It's a GAD GAD World
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
Yeah, I know I said I was going to try & blog every day. So much for that.

I'm so fucking sick & tired of being set off by little things. My neighbor recently had foot surgery & asked me to get her mail & do other errands for her while she was recuperating.

So 2 nights ago I called her to tell her I was on my way upstairs with the mail. She asked me to bring the key too. So I go upstairs, she barely opens the door, doesn't even say hello, just takes the mail, mumbles "thank you" & slams the door in my face.

Then last night as I was getting off the bus, I heard a woman on her cell phone chewing out her son. THIS DIDN'T EVEN HAVE ANYTHING TO DO WITH ME! And it still made me feel bad.

I have all of next week off from work, then I don't go back till the day after the holiday. I can't even tell you how much I am looking forward to it.

Work really isn't that bad. God knows I've been in worse places. But it will be nice to get a break.

In other news, I had written a letter to UCLA about their Namenda-GAD trial. I never heard back from them.

And yes, I'm still thinking about the Cute Guy. Much as I don't want to. It's been well over 2 months since I've communicated with him. I know at some point I'll see him again. I'm just glad that his life has been so fucking perfect that he's never gotten kicked n the face by fate.

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